Located just outside of The City, the Village of Riverwood is home to Ella and her tight knit group of friends.
This town is full of great places like Crescent Moon Cakes, The Brown Cow Ice Cream Shoppe, and The Intersection Cafe! With its pretty brownstones, cobblestone streets, lively town square, Riverwood has an accepting atmosphere. The main attraction is The Center, which was built 50 years ago and designed by an interfaith community to be a place all could be centered, seen, and loved. Come to Riverwood and be a part of our community!
Let’s get to know ella’s friends!
SalaAm Alaikum,
I’m Fatima
I LOVE to bake! My parents own Crescent Moon Cakes! We love baking tasty treats for our community! I love to be nurturing and take care of my friends like my mom, the first Muslim female Mayor of Riverwood!
Hola, i’m dani!
Did you know that Dani loves to learn? They love to explore and discover and they love to spread that knowledge with their friends and community. Come be curious with Dani
Akwaaba, I’m mars
When my teacher asked me what I want to be I told her, “I want to be love!” I like making my friends feel special with hugs and telling them that they are wonderful!
Ayubowan, I’m Priya!
Dancing. Singing. Painting. I like to be expressive like my mom! She is a great actress and so am I! One day I will be on stage and be in spotlight!
Hello, I’m Clark!
When people are in need Cosmic Guy helps them and so do I! Cosmic Guy always says to be an ally to people in need! So that is what I try to be! Now…I MUST AWAY!!!
Back at Ella’s Place
Hey little ones, We’re Nina and Miles!
We are so happy to meet new people, right Miles?! Yeah, so happy!!! We love to make kids happy by being their friends!
What’s Good! We’re Mama and Papa!
We love being a family and teaching our little moonbeam, Ella about the world! If you want to have conversations with your families, check out our resources!
Meet Ella Live
Watch Ella At Home